Important Full Stack Development Tools for 2024

Ratna Sunuwar

 Full stack development means working on both the front-end and back-end parts of a web application. In this, we will see some essential Full Stack Development Tools for full-stack developers in 2024.

Front-End Development Tools



AngularJS is a great tool for developing modern and active web applications. It allows the use of HTML as a template language and the extension of the HTML layout to represent the components of your application. Originally initiated by Google, it is beneficial when it comes to the Single Page Application (SPA) architecture.


  • Two-way Data Binding: The model and view data are automatically synchronized.
  • MVC Architecture: Divides the application into a model, view, and controller as a means of organizing the application.
  • Directives: Enhance HTML and develop new elements and attributes.
  • Dependency Injection: A good facility for handling components and their relations with each other.
  • Testing: Integrated testing tools that support both unit and end-to-end testing.



React is a JavaScript library that is used mainly for developing front-end applications, especially single-page applications. It enables developers to build complex single-page applications and modify data without having to refresh the page. React is supported by Facebook.


  • Component-based: Establishes components that become autonomous in managing their own state.
  • Virtual DOM: Efficiently updates and renders only the components that change.
  • One-way Data Binding: It also facilitates consistent code structure. Besides, it enhances runtime efficiency.
  • JSX Syntax: Merges concepts of JavaScript and HTML for the writing part.
  • Strong Community Support: A range of resources, tools, and extensions are available at the user’s disposal.



Svelte is a low-level declarative user interface framework. As opposed to older systems, Svelte brings a significant amount of work to compile time, resulting in efficient code.


  • No Virtual DOM: Directly modifies the real DOM, which is more efficient.
  • Reusable Components: Foster's code reuse and modularity. Besides, it divides the project into smaller, interconnected sections.
  • Less Boilerplate Code: Less time-consuming due to a reduced amount of setting up required.
  • Reactive Programming: Updates the selected UI elements in response to changes in the data.
  • High Performance: Creates compact code that is easy to execute and can efficiently manage large amounts of data.



jQuery is an advanced and lightweight JavaScript toolkit that can help ease the manipulation of HTML documents, executives, and graphics. It makes event handling, HTML document manipulation, Ajax, and many more easy to work with.


  • Cross-browser Compatibility: Works consistently across different browsers.
  • DOM Manipulation: Allows easy choice of HTML elements as targets and easy movement and control over chosen elements.
  • Event Handling: Also makes it easier to capture and manage events.
  • AJAX Support: Generally used to make asynchronous HTTP requests less complicated.
  • Animations: Offers easy steps to follow when creating animations.



TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript that has added the feature of static typing. It helps the developers identify incorrections at the initial stage through type checking and enhances code maintainability.


  • Static Typing: Helps to define variable types and decreases the number.
  • ECMAScript Support: Includes latest ECMAScript features.
  • Enhanced IDE Support: Enhanced identification of code structure, suggestions, and transformations.
  • Better Code Organization: Supports classes, interfaces, and modules.
  • Easy Integration: It is compatible with other JavaScript libraries and frameworks that may already be in use.



PostCSS can be defined as a utility for processing CSS code with the help of JavaScript plugins. These plugins are capable of analyzing your CSS code, supporting variables and mixins, and transcoding futuristic CSS syntax.


  • Autoprefixer: Adds vendor prefixes to CSS rules.
  • Variables and Mixins: Supports CSS variables and mixins for more reusable style elements.
  • Modular CSS: Divide CSS into smaller components that will be easy to handle.
  • Custom Plugins: Enables generating and employing a new plugin.
  • CSSNext: It applies tomorrow’s CSS syntax and translates it into a form that the current browser will understand.



Bootstrap is a front-end framework for developing a responsive website with a mobile-first design. It also consists of simple and extensible HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components.


  • Responsive Design: Ensures that the layouts fit well on various devices.
  • Pre-designed Components: Besides, it is coupled with pre-styled UI elements such as buttons, forms, and navbars.
  • Grid System: Describes a flexible grid layout system.
  • Cross-browser Compatibility: Helps maintain a relatively uniform look when viewed using different browsers.
  • Customizable: Enables modification of various components and topics within a relatively short time.



JavaScript is a client-side script language that is used for web development. It is used to build animations within Web browsers, making Web site pages dynamic and engaging.


  • Lightweight: Runs quickly in the browser environment.
  • Interpreted Language: This doesn’t require compilation.
  • Event-driven: Explain how the current situation reacts to user actions and events.
  • Versatile: It covers both the front-end and the back-end web development.
  • Rich Interfaces: Rich interface application that makes it easy to develop complex user interfaces.



SQL (Structured Query Language) is mainly used to do interaction with databases. It is used as the standard language for relational database management systems for retrieval and updating of data.


  • Querying Data: Retrieves data from databases.
  • Data Manipulation: Manages the operations to insert, update, and delete data.
  • Data Definition: Used to define the way in which a database is organized.
  • Data Control: Responsible for the control of access to the database.
  • Transaction Management: Safeguards the data against alteration, corruption, and duplication.



Python is an object-oriented programming language; it is easy to read and written in plain English. It is mainly used for programming web applications, data processing, artificial intelligence, and others.


  • Easy to Learn: Simple syntax and readability.
  • Extensive Libraries: The standard library is highly developed. Besides, there is a large number of third-party modules available.
  • Versatile: Ideal for web development, writing scripts, analyzing data, etc.
  • Strong Community Support: An involved community that is able to offer support and information.
  • Integration: It also works well with other languages and tools.
BackEnd Technology
Source: Scaler

Back-End Developer Tools

Ruby on Rails


Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework built in Ruby for the server side. It is meant to simplify the work of programming web apps and is based on what every programmer might like to have at their disposal.


  • Convention over Configuration: Eliminates the number of decisions that developers will have to come across.
  • MVC Architecture: Separates application logic, user interface, and data.
  • Active Record: Simplifies database interaction.
  • Scaffolding: Quickly generates code for basic CRUD operations.
  • Integrated Testing: Supports automated testing from the start.



Django is a Python-based framework for web applications that favors enlistment and sensible application structure. It also focuses on reusability and the “do not repeat yourself” (DRY) concept.


  • MVC Architecture: Arrange code into models, views, and controllers.
  • Authentication: Built-in user authentication system.
  • URL Routing: Maps URLs to views.
  • Templating: Serves to generate dynamic web content through a templating system.
  • ORM (Object-Relational Mapping): Access databases using Python script.



It is a JavaScript runtime based on the open-source Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. It provides a facility to run JavaScript on the server, thus providing you with a full stack of JavaScript.


  • Event-driven: Non-blocking I/O operations can be used to improve the throughput.
  • Non-blocking I/O: Handles multiple requests efficiently.
  • Single-threaded: Simplifies the development model.
  • NPM (Node Package Manager): Ability to access close to a thousand open-source libraries.
  • Large Community: Extensive support and resources.



ASP.NET is a web application framework that is server-side open source for web development to create dynamic web pages. Microsoft developed it as an effective software for creating complex applications for business use.


  • MVC Architecture: Underlines the division of perspectives, which, in turn, simplifies the management and scaling process.
  • Server Controls: Also, it offers several standard controls.
  • State Management: Provides persistence for state information between HTTP requests.
  • Security Features: Moreover, it consists of features like authentication and authorization.
  • Cross-platform: It can be used on Windows, Linux, and macOS systems.



EmberJS is an open-source JavaScript framework used to integrate best practices for creating scalable single-page applications. It adheres to the convention over configuration principle.


  • Convention over Configuration: Reduces the overall number of decisions that the developers are called upon to make.
  • Router: It deals with the application states and the URLs.
  • Components: Represents application templates and the logic behind them in terms of reusable components.
  • Services: Allows for the sharing of common functionalities across multiple systems.
  • Ember CLI: A terminal-based shell for automating work.



It is open source, can be used freely, and is supported by many different entities. Besides, it is one of the most popular databases for all types of web applications.


  • High Performance: This is also best optimized for read-heavy operations.
  • Scalability: Additionally, it can easily handle large databases.
  • Flexibility: Moreover, it can support various storage engines.



Next comes MongoDB, which is a NoSQL database. Here, documents are stored in a JSON-like structure and can be schema-less. This is suitable for handling large data and is highly scalable in its approach and design.


  • Schema-less: Flexible document structure.
  • High Performance: Optimized for write-heavy operations.
  • Scalability: Easily scales horizontally.
  • Aggregation Framework: Advanced querying and data manipulation capabilities.



Express.js is an extremely lightweight and highly portable Node.js open-source, cross-platform js web application framework that offers a rich feature set for creating online and offline applications.


  • Fast: Lightweight and high-performance.
  • Flexible: Highly customizable through middleware.
  • Routing: Provides a robust routing mechanism.



Laravel is a PHP web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. It aims to make the development process pleasing for the developer while maintaining application functionality.


  • Eloquent ORM: Provides a simple Active Record implementation.
  • Blade Templating: Lightweight and powerful templating engine.



Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. It provides tools and infrastructure to build high-quality apps, gain insights, and grow the user base.


  • Real-time Database: Synchronizes data across all clients in real-time.
  • Authentication: Provides a variety of authentication methods.
  • Cloud Firestore: Flexible, scalable database for mobile, web, and server development.


In conclusion, full-stack developers have many Full Stack Development Tools at their disposal. You can check out any Full Stack Web Development Course to learn more about these tools.

Each tool has unique features that cater to different aspects of web development. By choosing the right tools, developers can build efficient, scalable, and maintainable web applications.


Q1. What is the tool of a full stack developer?

  • A1. Software for making websites' front and back parts.

Q2. Which software is used for full-stack development?

  • A2. Tools like Angular, React, and Node.js.

Q3. What is full-stack software development?

  • A3. Making both the front and back parts of a web app.

Q4. What are the 3 layers of full-stack development?

  • A4. Front-end, back-end, and database.

Q5. What is a full stack framework?

  • A5. A tool for building both sides of a web app.

Q6. Which language is best for full stack developers?

  • A6. JavaScript is the best framework for full-stack developers.

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